Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Challenges Society Dealing With Elderly Population - 275 Words

What Challenges Must Society Face When Dealing With A Growing Elderly Population? (Essay Sample) Content: Student Name:Professors Name:Subject:Date of Submission:The Challenges the society faces when dealing with elderly populationAging is an inevitable life process. Just like any other transition in human life, it associates itself with different types of changes that can be physical, psychosocial, and mental. The changes demand a deeper understanding of the differences and making an earlier plan on how to deal with them. At a societal level, population ageing can be an irreversible trend that relates to far-reaching socio-political and economic effects.Emerging statistics formulate that by 2050 there would be double the number of people who are aged 60 years and above. The postulated statistic would probably be equivalent to around 2 billion (Nikolova). Consequently, the growth in this population exposes the society to various challenges, especially when dealing with the ageing population. Some of these difficulties that the community must face when dealing with the gr owing elderly population include the problem of fiscal and macroeconomic stability (Nikolova).As such, the government continually spends on healthcare, pension and other social benefits associated with the ageing individuals. Apparently, these activities might pose a challenge to the overall economic growth of a society and the quality of life of individuals since governments will be forced to divert funds from other projects such as infrastructural development to finance the programs for old people. Subsequently, high public expenditure on activities such as programs for seniors creates a limitation on the commercial possibilities increasing spending in such programs in the long run (Kulik, et al. 5).Without proper preparation, the society also faces a shortage of valuable individuals such as engineers, nurs...